Landscape Planning in South Essex


The Study provides a detailed understanding of the character of the area and its sensitivities to change and is a valuable tool for supporting assessment and decision-making

CBA was jointly commissioned by Rochford District Council and Southend-on-Sea Borough Council to prepare a Landscape Character Assessment and Landscape Sensitivity Study to inform the Councils' respective new Local Plans. Located adjacent to the Thames Estuary in South Essex, the Local Plan areas include rural landscapes, urban townscapes and coastal seascapes. Developed in accordance with the principles of current national policy, legislation and best practice guidance, the Study provides a detailed understanding of the character of the area and its sensitivities to change.

The Study is a valuable tool for supporting assessment and decision-making by the Councils, developers and a range of other stakeholders. It provides evidence for informing the potential allocation in Local Plans of development sites around the edges of settlements within the Green Belt. In addition to advice on the sensitivity of the landscapes to accommodate development, the Study offers guidance on opportunities for protecting and enhancing valued landscapes and features. It also provides evidence to inform the review of landscape protection policies in the Local Plans, and the Study can be used in the future as a baseline for monitoring landscape change.


Landscape and Heritage Advice for the West Oxfordshire Local Plan


Chichester Harbour’s Seascapes