Rediscovering Liverpool’s amazing Maritime, Military and Industrial Heritage
The project aims to develop a sustainable model for the recovery of the City’s military, maritime and industrial heritage to stimulate tourism and support social, cultural and economic regeneration goals
Many Atlantic cities share a common maritime history, frequently reflected in a myriad of cultural heritage assets surviving within their urban fabric. Through time, and as circumstances change, some of these maritime, military and industrial assets fall into disuse, but elements may still remain within the modern urban landscape as a visual and tangible link to a former life.
Alongside Ferrol, Plymouth, Caen, Ílhavo, Cádiz, Limerick, La Rochelle and Cork, Liverpool is a partner in the EU Interreg Military, Maritime and Industrial Heritage of the Atlantic Coast Project. The project aims to develop a sustainable model for the recovery, through research and conservation, of the historical memory of the growth and development of similar coastal cities and towns linked to their maritime, industrial and military heritage.
CBA has been appointed by the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership Destination Management Organisation to support the development of the project. The work involves developing strategic plans for how the conservation, reconversion and rediscovery of the City's redundant military, maritime and industrial heritage assets can help contribute to stimulating tourism and support social, cultural and economic regeneration goals for the Liverpool City Region.